Are you a parent struggling to make time for the gym? Fitness Republic has got you covered with our kids creche at Condell Park. This allows all members, who are parents, to come to our classes with their young kids and they will be taken care of by a carer. The carer and creche facility is open at Condell Park 9-11am which is when our peak classes are on, so you won’t miss a thing!
We understand it can be hard for parents with young children to prioritise their exercise needs which is why we have the creche facility. We have so many parents come in and bring their kids in to be taken care of and it is a great way to build up the community. The kids are provided with lots of fun activities to do with the responsible carer while you do your workout. So there is no need to stress about going to the gym and leaving your kid at home, as this can be costly and time consuming. Now your child can come to the gym with you and who knows, it might even spark their interest in becoming fit and healthy when they are older.