Hey there! Today we’re back with Troy, our PT in FR Merrylands and the only guy out there who’s probably come out of the quarantine in better shape than he went in!
Today we are exploring a little bit more on how our PT’s & Managers are experiencing the post Covid-19 around the gym, and what’s the general vibe. Troy said that most of the people have agreed that they’ve been training less while staying at home (which honestly, we do not blame you guys, it’s more comfortable staying in bed or on the couch 24/7).
Most of the people are not feeling in their best shapes right now, and it’s understandable. Troy’s recommendations are to give yourself a grace period around 2 weeks to get back to your usual routine. Don’t go heavy straight away! So if you are ripping (bodybuilding) start slowly with a volume work of 10 to 12% ripped ranges on body weight and increase them gradually to build up again and most importantly, stay injury free!
All functionals are back to normal guys, so remember if you are back to Merrylands, Troy is your man.